Regressive Trilingual Cross-Linguistic Influence
In addition to my work on how an L3 developments, I am also invested in how that L3 influences a speakers previously known languages. In collaboration with Dr. Charles Chang, I am investigating trilingual regressive cross-linguistic influence, when an aspect of a newly acquired language influences a previously known language. Our most recent work examines the degree to which the speech rhythm pattens of a syllable-timed L3 influence the pattens of a stressed-timed L1 and L2, as well as the degree to which factors such as order of acquisition and typological similarity may encourage or inhibit those effects.
My most recent paper on this topic was completed as part of my second Qualifying Paper for the Boston University Linguistics PhD Program: “Regressive Phonological CLI in Sequential Trilinguals: Testing the Role of Typology”, which investigated regressive cross-linguistic influence of speech rhythm in English/German/Spanish trilinguals.